Monastics with Priestly Rank (
total: 8)
- The Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Dr. Akakios Hagiogrēgoritēs
- The Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Patrick Hagiosinaïtēs
- The Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Gregory Hagiogrēgoritēs
- The Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Dr. Patapios Hagiogrēgoritēs
- The Very Reverend Protosinđel Father Dionisije Hagiogrēgoritēs
- The Reverend Hieromonk Father Moses Hagiosinaïtēs
- The Reverend Hierodeacon Father Nectarios Hagiogrēgoritēs
- The Reverend Hierodeacon Father Photii Hagiogrēgoritēs
Married Priests—Presbyters and Deacons (
total: 8)
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father David Cownie
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Raphael Abraham
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father George Mavromatis
- The Reverend Presbyter Father John Abraham
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Ieronymos Zubricky
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Dr. Jiří Ján
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Photios Cooper
- The Reverend Presbyter Father James Kalbasky
Retired or Inactive Clergy (
total: 4)
- The Most Reverend Bishop Sergios of Portland Emeritus
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Constantine Parr
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Dr. Gregory Telepneff
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Dr. Michael Nedelsky
Reposed Clergy and Monastics (
total: 14)
- The Reverend Hieromonk Father David Hagiogrēgoritēs († April 6/19, 1984)
- Schemanun Mother Kypriane Hagielisavetissa († May 20/June 2, 1984)
- Schemanun Mother Theodora Hagiaskepitissa († November 21/December 4, 2001)
- The Reverend Hieromonk Father John Hagiogrēgoritēs († May 15/28, 2002)
- Schemanun Mother Olga Hagielisavetissa († May 20/June 2, 2004)
- Schemamonk Father Andrew Hagiogrēgoritēs († December 6/19, 2006)
- The Reverend Deacon Father George Chee († July 29/August 11, 2011)
- Schemanun Mother Varsanofia Hagiaskepitissa († August 18/31, 2014)
- Schemamonk Father Sergius Hagiogrēgoritēs († March 20/April 2, 2015)
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Dr. Joseph Miller († November 23/December 6, 2015)
- The Most Reverend Metropolitan Dr. Chrysostomos of Etna († February 3/16, 2019)
- Schemanun Mother Vera Hagielisavetissa († September 18/October 1, 2019)
- The Reverend Presbyter Father Dimitrios Sarlakis († May 3/16, 2020)
- The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Dr. James Thornton († September 13/26, 2024)