Diocese of Etna and Portland, Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, Ἐκκλησία Γνησίων Ὀρθοδόξων Χριστιανῶν Ἑλλαδος (Ekklesia G.O.Ch. Hellados)

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The True Orthodox Church and the Heresy of Ecumenism: Dogmatic and Canonical Issues (PDF)

The Ecclesiastical Union of the Orthodox Community in Resistance
with the Church of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece

The Unity of the Catholic Church

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The Unity of the Catholic Church

by Saint Cyprian

Chap­ter 1

Since the Lord warns us in these words: 'Ye are the salt of the earth,' and since He bids us to be sim­ple un­to harm­less­ness, and yet to be pru­dent with our sim­plic­i­ty, what else, most beloved brethren, be­fits us than to have fore­sight and watch­ing with an anx­ious heart alike to per­ceive the snares of the crafty en­e­my and to be­ware lest we, who have put on Christ the wis­dom of God the Father, seem to be less wise in guard­ing our sal­va­tion. For per­se­cu­tion alone is not to be feared, nor the ad­vances which are made in open at­tack to over­whelm and cast down the ser­vants of God. To be cau­tious is eas­i­er when the ob­ject of fear is man­i­fest, and the soul is pre­pared for the con­test be­fore­hand, when the ad­ver­sary de­clares him­self. The en­e­my is more to be feared and guard­ed against when he creeps up se­cret­ly, when de­ceiv­ing us un­der the ap­pear­ance of peace he steals for­ward by hid­den ap­proach­es, from which too he re­ceives the name of ser­pent (creep­er, crawler, steal­er). This is al­ways his cun­ning; this is his blind and dark de­ceit for cir­cum­vent­ing men. Thus from the very be­gin­ning of the world did he de­ceive and, flat­ter­ing with ly­ing words, mis­lead the in­ex­pe­ri­enced soul with its reck­less in­creduli­ty. Thus try­ing to tempt the Lord him­self, as if he would creep up again and de­ceive, he ap­proach­es se­cret­ly. Yet he was un­der­stood and driv­en back and so cast down, be­cause he was dis­cov­ered and un­masked.


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